Laser Sawing Machine
Laser Sawing/Multi Sawing Machine
Multi Sawing Machine
Gelvo Sawing/Multi Sawing Machine
Fiber Fancy(4P) Galvo Machine
Laser Four Process(4P) Machine
Fiber Four Process(4P) Machine
Green Sawing Machine
Fiber Sawing Multi/Sawing Machine
Fancy(4P) Galvo Machine Machine
Laser 4P
Laser Sawing
Laser Shape Cutting
Fancy(4P) Galvo Machine
Fancy(4P) Galvo Machine
Fancy(4P) Galvo Machine
Excellent Result With Smooth Cutting Surface.
User - Friendly Software.
Accurate Fancy 4P Shape.
36 Plus shape Available (Ability to Devlop any Customize Shape)
Mechanical Specification
Diamention : - 143.5cm (4'.7") x 60cm(1'.97") x 143.5cm (4'.7") (L x W x H )
Dust Protective Hermatic Shield Resonator Box.
Strong Frame- Assurance of Minimum Vibration.
Axise Travel : 130mm (X), 130mm ( Y ), 75mm(Z ).
High Quality Power Supply.
High Quality Cooling System.
Highly Accurate and Long Life X-Y -Z CNC Stage for Accurate cutting Performance.
Machine Weight : 400 Kg. Approx.
Laser Profile:
ND : YAG@1064nm
TEMoo-Diode Pumped Solid State.
Power Consuption Details.
Single Phase 230V AC , 16 amp , 50/60Hz
Out Put Power : 24 Watts@ 10Khz
Operating Temperation: 20'c to 25'c
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